Monday, June 1, 2009

My First Communion and Comfirmation

On Sunday the 31st of May, I had my first communion and comfirmation.

I was dressed in my Uncle's white shirt and black pants, my Dad's black bow tie and socks my school shoes and a red sash with my name on it. I had done my hair. I looked very handsome.

We drove to the church and waited for the bishop to come in. The bishop was very tall and had a pointed hat and was nearly bald. We sang some songs like 'send down the fire of your justice' 'here at the table of plenty' 'bread broken wine shared'. One by one we were called by name to receive a candle lighted from the pentecostal candle, the priest renewed our baptism promises that our godparents had said for us and now we were old enough to say them for ourselves. The bishop said 'brendan be sealed with the gift of the holy spirit' and rubbed the oil of chrism on our forehead. Our sponsor placed their hand on my shoulder for the blessing. My great aunt was my sponsor who is very religious.

The mass moved into the eucharist were we had our first communion. They had a procession of gifts and we went up to the bishop and he held up the bread and said 'the body of christ' and we took the bread and we went over to Sylvia and she said 'the blood of christ' and gave the wine cup to me.

After the mass we had a party, adults made food and bought it to the church to be eaten and enjoyed. We kids played around on the swings and the playground. They bought out a cake and cut it up into pieces and I received the piece with my name on it. I loved going to my first communion - it was fun. I liked the part in the church the most.

I received lots of gifts from both grandmas, my mother, father, both sisters, Aunty Paula and Aunty Rita. The special gifts were badges, my rosary beads from mum and dad, a kids adventure bible, a cross and lots of cards.


  1. Brendan, Your Confirmation and Communion day sounds very special, so sorry I was unable to be there. I'm sure you were the most handsome of the group. I look forward to seeing photos. Aunty Paula

  2. Hi Brendan
    Your writing is very special. The commitment you make at your Confirmation is a big step and I know that you would have thought about this carefully.
    Thank you for sharing this experience with us. From Mrs. M

  3. hi
    your comfirmation sounds interesting. I did exactly what you did and I think your parents must of been so proud of you.
